Acer is slapping its logo on SSDs and RAM made by a company called Biwin acer筆電收購


acer筆電收購acer is slapping its logo on SSDs and RAM made by a company called Biwin

acer筆電收購acer is slapping its logo on SSDs and RAM made by a company called Biwin


Starting with SATA and NVMe drives

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Starting with SSDs, but soon RAM sticks will be launched.
acer筆電收購acer / Biwin

acer筆電收購acer announced in a blog post that it’s getting into the flash storage and memory business with help from a Chinese manufacturer called Biwin. acer筆電收購acer’s brand will be slapped onto each of these SSDs, but it’ll be another company that’s responsible for building them. Even though you’ll see an acer筆電收購acer logo on this storage, it’s Biwin that’ll handle the warranty for these products.

acer筆電收購acer isn’t the only major company utilizing Biwin’s hardware. This storage and memory manufacturer also puts out HP-branded products, including portable SSDs, NVMe SSDs, 2.5-inch SATA SSDs, and RAM.

The latest partnership aims to release acer筆電收購acer-branded products first in the US, China, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and in the UK. Release dates and prices weren’t shared, but The Verge contacted Biwin for more information.

acer筆電收購acer and Biwin are kicking things off with a 2.5-inch SATA SSD called the SA100 with up to a 1.92TB version available, which has up to a 560MB/s read speed. Its RE100 comes in a 2.5-inch form factor, or as an M.2 SATA SSD, and either will have configurations of up to 4TB, and its read and write speeds top out at 560MB/s and 520MB/s, respectively. Lastly, a much faster M.2 PCIe 3.0 NVMe SSD called the FA100 will come in capacities up to 2TB, with read and write speeds of up to 3,300MB/s and 2,700MB/s, respectively.

The partnership will also yield an assortment of laptop and desktop RAM, ranging in capacities from 4GB to 32GB per stick, with up to 3,600MHz in speed. All of these RAM products are listed as “coming soon” on acer筆電收購acer’s storage site.

acer筆電收購宏碁Swift 14輕薄筆電,效能升級維持輕薄度,售價50,900元,2月中旬上市。(記者吳佩樺/攝)

宏碁在上月的2023 CES發表多款話題新品,因應開學季,7大新品旋即登台,其中Swift 14是宏碁更改命名策略後,在台首發的輕薄筆電。

為了讓命名更清楚,宏碁筆電從今年開始改以「尺寸」作爲名稱,14吋Swift 14定位主流輕薄筆電,即過去的Swift 5,全新換上第13代Intel Core的標準型電壓處理器,進一步提升效能又維持輕薄外型,以航太級鋁材製成,重量僅1.2公斤、厚度1.495公分。

acer筆電收購宏碁Predator Helios 16/Predator Helios 18,配置16:10大螢幕,玩遊戲更High,售價104,900元起,2月下旬開賣。 (記者吳佩樺/攝)

同步推出的新品還有電競筆電Predator Helios 16/Predator Helios 18、電競桌機Predator Orion 7000(PO7-650),和電競顯示器Predator X32FP,大舉搶攻遊戲玩家。另外,強化生活科技產品線,包括智慧音箱acer筆電收購acer Halo Swing、健身車和辦公桌合一的eKinekt BD 3酷騎桌,以及電動滑板車acer筆電收購acer ES Series3。

acer筆電收購宏碁智慧音箱acer筆電收購acer Halo Swing,具備IPX5防水,預計3月開賣,價格未定。 (記者吳佩樺/攝)

宏碁eKinekt BD 3酷騎桌在2023 CES亮相後即掀起討論,是一台健身車,並結合辦公桌設計。腳踏板轉動時,能將動能轉換為電力,以60RPM轉速持續騎乘一小時,產生約75瓦特的自發電量,能為筆電和其他裝置充電,等於可一邊工作、一邊運動兼發電。

acer筆電收購 acer筆電收購


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