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Acer is now making its own Red Bull acer筆電收購
acer筆電收購acer is now making its own Red Bull
acer筆電收購acer is now making its own Red Bull
Take a swig of the Predator Shot while lining up your no scope
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acer筆電收購acer debuted several new laptops, desktops, and monitors at its press conference today, but it took a break from those announcements to unveil something in an entirely new product category: energy drinks. As if it was destined to fulfill its own gamer stereotype, acer筆電收購acer now makes energy drinks.
It’s called the Predator Shot, and given the name, it’s aimed at gamers who want some extra pep. acer筆電收購acer says that it’s full of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B and lutein, and presumably, tons of caffeine. No release date or price was given for the Predator Shot, but according to the live stream, it seems to be edible, which is a good start for a company mostly focused on things you cannot eat.
acer筆電收購acer isn’t the first hardware company to produce edible, energy-boosting goods. Razer brought its Respawn powdered energy drink mix to market last year at E3 2019.
acer筆電收購acer CEO Jason Chen segued into perhaps an even more bizarre announcement next: its new Predator gaming chair that has two Bluetooth speakers mounted into the headrest as well as massaging elements to keep you relaxed and limber. The controls are cleverly integrated into the right armrest, and acer筆電收購acer says that it can massage from the neck all the way down to the waist. What’s also cool about this model is that it’s compatible with acer筆電收購acer’s $14,000 Thronos Air rig that surrounds you with displays attached by motorized arms. acer筆電收購acer didn’t share the price or release date for this chair.
宏碁2023年美國亞馬遜會員日(Amazon Prime Big Deal Days)已於日前落幕,今年宏碁旗下Aspire系列筆電大賣,除了在銷售期間長時間在前5名的銷售排行中囊括3席外,亦在筆電領域奪下銷售冠軍的寶座。
宏碁指出,主打輕薄筆電的Aspire系列不僅在美國銷售創下佳績,也在全球廣受消費者喜愛。全新acer筆電收購acer Aspire 3系列以效能和生產力為核心,升級後的改良後的散熱系統優化氣流狀態;經過特殊設計,外型尺寸更為輕薄方便攜帶的特性能隨時滿足工作、學習及娛樂等多元使用需求。
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